Kelsie Engen

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Fire & Frost Cover Reveal!

I feel like I've accomplished so much this month, and yet sitting down to list it all out, I have no idea where to start or even what I've done... 

I guess it was just one of those months. Or maybe there's just something about the October chill that sets things in motion for me... Usually October is cold, wet, and snowy. And we've gotten all that this month, multiple times over, this year.

Honestly, this month has been productive. And I love being able to say that.

I don't know about you, but I find that my life cycles through highs and lows of productivity. For me, this month was a definite high. For some reason, my motivation and drive has remained high—despite the heavy load I've been under and the frequent travels of my husband.

At the end of September, I was working hard on finishing up my final draft of Fire & Frost. And, like usual, I had a lot of doubts. There were "small" things that suddenly became large. Those doubts and insecurities always loom large for me before a publication, and I can’t help but wonder if I could do better or maybe if I should rewrite the entire book. (That’s why my self-imposed deadlines are so important.)

But, I’m pressing on. I’ve given myself an extra month to polish up the book (I had originally planned to release it at the end of October), and so I’m feeling better about having the book in shape for a Thanksgiving week release.

Although I’m nervous about how it’ll be received (there are a lot of new characters and almost complete elimination of old characters), I know that it’s the right plot for the story I’m telling. The story is more than one or two books, and so I’ve got the entire series arc in mind as I wrote this book. It was a great undertaking, and while I enjoyed writing the book, I hope my readers will enjoy it as much as I do…

Major achievements of October: 

- I finished final revisions on Fire & Frost

- I finished (most) copyedits on Fire & Frost

- I've almost finished editing Fire & Frost (just a final proof to complete when the physical proofs arrive in the mail).

- I've managed to write a few blog posts for my writing blog.

- I've finished a short story that is now moving into revision phase.

- I've scheduled an entire year of publications. (Yikes!)

Upcoming in 2019: 

- I have a short story (15K) of Pia (a character featured in Fog & Mist) planned for release in December 2019

- I will rerelease "Three Nights," a 12 Dancing Princesses short story that was originally published in JL Anthology IV.

- I have a short story (5K) of the Queen of Ardor's firstborn child… (okay, fine, it’s a Rapunzel retelling)

- I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month for the 9th year in a row, working on the first draft of Rope & Rampion (a Rapunzel retelling novella that fits in between books 2 and 3 of the Canens Chronicles), and Fae & Fable (book 3 of the Canens Chronicles).

Honestly, I think that's enough to be getting on with. I'm also trying to be more consistent in my blogging, which means planning and writing ahead when I have the chance.

I find that once I get really deep into a project, I focus solely on it and have a hard time taking a day off to write a blog or work on a short story. So I’m trying to find ways around that.

As I've been in between projects after finishing up Fire & Frost edits, I've been able to pound out a few blog posts over on my writing blog (

But because this post is a little short, and I need something else to add, how about a teaser of Fire & Frost

If you've purchased (or received an ARC) of Fog & Mist, you've already read the first chapter. So here's an excerpt from…somewhere else.

Oh! And if you’re interested in being a part of my street team and receiving my books before publication (for free!), contact me for details.

Fire & Frost Excerpt:


A mist descends with the rapidity of a sudden snowstorm. I squint, but I can't see more than a half dozen feet in front of me. The seconds tick on, my heart loud in my ears as I search the ice for the hole that must hold Rus and Cito.

I speed up. For all I know, the huntsman could be just beyond it. He could be watching them die right now.

The cold has returned with a bite through my wet clothes, drawing out a bone-rattling shiver.

"Rus! Cito!"

The mist surrounds me now; I can't see far to any side. Tentatively, I advance. I've already revealed myself and gotten no answer from those I seek. Is the huntsman just beyond, waiting for me to walk into his arms?

My foot slips, and I fall to my bottom, barely managing to force my body backward instead of into the open water before me. Then I see it. At the edge of the hole, a hat bobbing in the water. Cito's. Oh goddess have mercy.

I tug off my cloak and shimmy out of my wet boots then jump into the water. Unlike the water nearer the shore, with its mix of warm and cold currents, this water is a thousand knives attacking me at once.

With a shuddering gasp, I bound upward. Quickly, I force air into my lungs and dive before doubt and fear overtakes me. I must save him; I owe him my life.

Submerged, I open my eyes and wave my hands in the water to turn around. The water is clear; everything within a dozen feet is visible.

No Rus or Cito.

My stomach clenches. I turn around and swim lower. The bottom looms toward me. No Cito. Then at the end of my turn, I see him.

To check out the preorder, here's the Amazon link.

Or, if you need to catch up on book 1, here's the Amazon link to it.