Week 5: Quarantine Chronicles
Last Sunday, we celebrated Easter.
And I forgot about blogging. Oops.
Sunday was a pretty simple affair. We watched church online (strange way to listen to an Easter sermon, really), then we hung out as a family and ate prime rib and chicken breasts (I don't do prime rib).
This was the first year that we didn't go to church on Easter Sunday, and I had a hard time feeling like it was really Easter. Still, I saw some encouraging posts on IG and reminders on FB that it was still Easter in this midst of this Covid-19 crisis.
Through this, fear has been running rampant for most of the world. We fear what we can't see and what we can't control, and this Easter celebration is a wonderful reminder that we aren't in control—and that's a good thing.
I don't know about you, but whenever I try to control my life or whenever I plan out my next year or two, something inevitably comes up that takes me right back into an out-of-control, unplanned life. It's like God says, "You thought you had it all planned out, but I have different plans for you."
And you know what? I'm okay with that. Because He knows what's best for me. He knows what plans I should get rid of and what plans I should focus on. And sometimes, He needs to use something big to get my attention...
Camp NaNo Update:
I've been participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this month, and it's been a fun experience with being able to join several cabins.
My goal has been 2K a day, and I've made that every day...except yesterday. Yesterday I got caught up in several other projects and had a rough night's sleep as well, so I didn't get my morning sprints done with quite the vigor I usually do.
But so far my April word count stands at:
CC3: 39,075
Secret P. Project: 4,555
Blogs: 1,100
And there are probably some words I'm forgetting, but I'm well on my way to meeting my 50K word goal on Canens #3.
Life under Quarantine:
Let's face it. This has been a difficult time for everyone with no end in sight to the quarantine.
But there are things I am most grateful for during this time.
- my children are homebodies (like me). They love staying at home and don't care that we don't do playdates or have friends over.
- Disney Plus and "free" high-speed internet during this time. I mean, there are so many companies and places that are offering upgrades for free or free entertainment, knowing that we need their services right now. With video chatting for classrooms taking up more bandwidth and streaming more TV, it is certainly a blessing to not have to worry about overages.
- Camp NaNoWriMo. I usually try to participate in Camp, but it doesn't always align with my writing and/or motivation schedule. This year, it has, and I've so enjoyed getting to know some new writers and getting to know some writing friends of mine even better. The encouragement it's provided this April has been wonderful indeed, especially as we are mostly Christian mom writers. It's unifying and encouraging to know you aren't alone in your struggles.
- my health and the health of those I love. So far, I have not had a relative (that I know of) come down with COVID-19. And I'm beyond relieved, but I know that it's unlikely that streak will last. Still, right now I am grateful for our good health and that my family and friend are taking this seriously.
- warming weather. We might still have feet of snow on the ground, but it's (finally!) melting rapidly. And our driveway might be an absolute mess (and will be for weeks more, I'm sure), but we can see dirt. And that's awesome.
Where to find me: