Uncertain Times
Spring Break!
This week was Spring Break for my son, who is in kindergarten. I knew it was going to be a long week, but boy it’s been rough. To top it off, thanks to COVID-19, Spring Break just got extended another two weeks. And we'll see where we're at after the end of this month. (I’m not holding my breath.)
Now, I'm not a worrier by nature, but I do hope that people can respect self-isolation and slow the spread of this disease. It doesn't sound like it's a fun one to get, and it sounds like it'll be an absolute nightmare on most healthcare systems, especially America's, as well as those in the population whose health is already compromised.
So wherever you are, please stay safe, wash your hands, and become an introvert!
I mean, a part of me has been preparing for the coronavirus my entire, introverted life. But I never expected to be isolated with a couple of terrors, aka my kids, who know exactly how to press every one of my buttons and each other's. It's really gonna be interesting. (I jest, partly. Because yeah, I don’t mind being by myself, but when you’re stuck in a house with two antsy, energetic kids…yeah. Things get real y’all.)
I started writing this post before I learned that our Spring Break is going to be extended, and, boy, I was commenting on how long this one week has felt only to learn that I get to do it all over again for the next two weeks.
I have to admit, my daughter and I got a bit used to her brother being at school for most of the day, and my days with her have been quiet and filled with single-kid attentions. But when they're both home, boy the bickering can ensue awfully quickly! So this month is going to be an exercise in patience, self-control, and imagination for us all really. I might just be posting some tips and tricks for entertaining younger kids!
I'm really really hoping my daughter doesn't give up her naps anytime soon, because I don't think I'll be able to deal without some midday rest time that I depend on for writing time and my introvert recharge time. Unfortunately, based on this week and previous clues, I think she's seriously heading that way, and I don't know what I'm going to do about that. She's only two and when she's up, she's the most active thing in this house. There's no stopping her, and if you take your eyes off her for three seconds, she'll be drawing on a wall. I'm going to have to find a way to contain or redirect that energy so I can focus on writing instead of preventing the white walls from becoming her newest canvas. (The other day she drew up and down her leg with a green pen, then fifteen minutes later used a highlighter on her cheek.)
An update on my authorly work now:
In the past weeks, I've really be struggling with staying focused and getting started on book 3 of the Canens Chronicles. I've reread Fog & Mist for my Story Bible, but I haven't started compiling the notes because of all the other jobs/projects I've got going on. I'm trying to plot a short story for an anthology, finish up a short story I finally sent to a beta reader, and get started on Canens 3. It's a lot on my plate, and when naps don't happen and kids are home and bickering…well, let's just say that's not the recipe for a productive writing day.
But this past week I have been able to pound out some blog posts and I've been enjoying that. I've blogged a couple of times over at my writing website (kelsieengen.com) and am trying to blog here more regularly as well.
My goal over the rest of March is to pound out 10K in this new short story, finish revising a (long) short story I'm working on, and get my Story Bible started, write and schedule this month and next’s blogs, as well as start reading Fire & Frost to figure out what I wrote in there!
A final comment…
With everything else going on in the world right now, I do want to leave you with one thing: these are times of uncertainty—but it’s always been that way, hasn’t it? (Here is something C.S. Lewis wrote on the times during WWII.)
It's so easy to let fear take over and direct our movements. Yes, we need to take care of ourselves and protect others from this virus by staying to ourselves, but we also need to reach out to others who might need our help. Let's not live out of fear, but let's live with intention. Reach out to that elderly neighbor. Give childcare to that parent that can't work from home.
Let's unite to overcome this.
Don't go ignoring the self-quarantine, but be deliberate in how you break it, let's say. Because while isolating ourselves completely out of fear is one way to avoid it, there are too many who cannot do so and need your help through this difficult, uncertain time.
As an author, and an introvert, it's easier for me to ignore others and physically distance myself from them entirely. And if we act out of fear, it's easy to give in to that urge. But we can't do so. There are others that need help, including children who don't have lunches or food because school's out.
So let's choose instead of living in fear to reach out to those in need.