Kelsie Engen

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Cover Reveal: A Girl of Silver & Snow

I've been hard at work over the past couple of weeks, designing new covers and updating some of the previous covers I had for my short stories. As a result, I haven't done a lot of writing, but I have set The Bear in the Forest, a Snow White & Rose Red retelling for free across all platforms, and I came up with a cover for my upcoming novella!

A Girl of Silver & Snow didn't even have that title a week ago. But as soon as I started designing covers, I realized what it needed to be and I decided on this rich green and gilt cover... Oh, I do rather love it and the fairy tale vibe it gives.

While this book isn't a fairy tale, per se, it is fairy tale inspired in a sense. I started writing it for an anthology to explain the myth of how the Canens people believed in the goddess of the aurora. However, it quickly became apparent that there was too much story of Pia to confine to a 10K story. I put it aside to write "From Sea to Sky" instead, a story that appeared in the latest JL Anthology of 2020, and while that story is told in Pia's story as well, it's not front-and-center.

Instead, this story quickly became all about Pia and her family. And while the ending gave me trouble, the final ending gave me a great deal of satisfaction in finally figuring out. She sacrifices everything for her family, which is why the working title was "Pia's Sacrifice." 

It's up for preorder now at B&N, Amazon, and Kobo, and I can't wait to finally share this cover with you.

For preorder, click the links below!


